Business improvement

Areas of ExcellenceThese nine areas of excellence reflect those found in many of the widely acknowledged Operational Excellence frameworks such as the Baldrige Criteria and the Shingo Model of Operational Excellence. It is my take on these assessment criteria to allow busine...
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Lean tools versus Lean mindset….. What is the difference?...
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Kia Ora!!

As a Kiwi business owner, you probably already know the value of a relaxed approach. But what if I told you that a sprinkle of lean thinking can actually turbocharge your customer experience, without all the stress? That's right, chuck out the fancy suits and clipboards – ...
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Occasionally you come across a term that you are sure at one point meant a lot.  Yet it has been used so widely, in so many contexts that it has become just a white noise statement.  What I mean by this is the idea has been overused, twisted and applied without too...
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We humans are funny creatures.  For some crazy reason we love to try and make things - processes, work, tasks harder than they really need to be. I am making this comment as I reflect on conversations and observations I have had with many different businesses recently. ...
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This really is an extension of the previous blog, mainly because it is so important to understand how and what to measure as part of a business improvement journey.  Many businesses get it wrong, very wrong and use measures, data, information as a big stick, if you donâ...
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Visual Management in the workplace. This is a term used many, many times during a Lean journey.  It is used so much that it can also become white noise, a cliche term.  So if it is used a lot, what does it actually mean? What does it look like? The answer, like man...
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For a long time now I have spouted the benefits of a Business Improvement approach to a small and medium business (SME). Using Lean as a central element driving the improvement activity, there are multiple benefits to a business. Better work culture and a more profitable bus...
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Control What You Can

September 29, 2021
The last two years have shown us all that the world, let alone the business environment is not a predictable place.  This has always been the case but now it seems magnified to the extremes. Owning and operating a business is hard enough, let alone in such an environmen...
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Improving the Productivity in Small and Medium Businesses (SME’s) is what gets me out of bed every day.  In New Zealand, SMEs have some of the world's worst productivity statistics in the OECD. There are many factors that impact productivity, therefore there is no sil...
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